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Five Tips for Extending the Batteries Service Life of Electric Sightseeing Car

In recent years, electric sightseeing cars have been used as a means of transportation by many scenic spots, resorts, and playgrounds across the country due to their individuality, low-carbon environmental protection, convenience, economy and practicality. It not only meets the needs of tourists for sightseeing, but also adds fun to the journey of tourists. Today, Dinis Amusement will introduce five secrets to prolong the service life of electric sightseeing car batteries.

1. Do not mix chargers
The chargers equipped by electric sightseeing car manufacturers generally have individualized design requirements, and a matching special charger should be used for charging. Due to different battery formulas and processes, the technical requirements for chargers are also different. Chargers correspond to different brands of batteries, so don’t mix chargers. If the mileage requirement is relatively long, multiple batteries need to be equipped for off-site charging.

2. The correct protection of the electric sightseeing car charger
There are instructions on protecting the charger in the general instruction manual, and customers should read this part in detail. In addition, the charger should generally not be placed in the trunk and basket of the electric sightseeing car. In special cases where it is necessary to move, the charger should also be packed with foam plastic to prevent vibration and bumps. After chargers vibrate, their internal potentiometers will change, resulting in abnormal charging status.

3. Correct charging
When the electric sightseeing car is charging, it is necessary to keep the charger ventilated, otherwise it will not only affect the life of the charger, but also may cause thermal drift to affect the charging state and damage the battery. It is wrong to think that the battery should be recharged after it is basically used up. The memory benefit of lead-acid batteries is not so strong. If the battery is basically used up and charged, the life of the battery will be greatly affected. After the indicator light of most chargers changes to indicate full charge, the battery charge may be 97% to 99%. Although only 1% to 3% of the power is undercharged, the impact on the continuation ability is almost negligible, but it will also form an accumulation of undercharge. Therefore, after the battery is fully charged and the light changes, it is best to continue floating charging as much as possible, which is also important for suppressing battery vulcanization.

14 Seats White Open Sightseeing Cart
4. Timely charging
The electric sightseeing car should be charged in time after driving. After the battery is discharged, the vulcanization process begins, and obvious vulcanization occurs after 12 hours. Timely charging can remove minor sulfide. If not charged in time, these sulfide crystals will accumulate and gradually form coarse crystals, which will lead to a decrease in the battery capacity of the charger and shorten the service life of the battery. Therefore, in addition to charging every day, you should also pay attention to charging as soon as possible after use, so as to keep the battery in a full state as much as possible.

5. Develop a good habit of saving electricity
Make use of sliding as much as possible when driving the electric sightseeing car. When going downhill, cut off the power as early as possible and use slide to slow down. Enter the slide early when you are about to encounter a traffic light, and minimize the use of the brakes. Pay attention to check the tire pressure. It can be lowered in summer and higher in other seasons. Higher tire pressure saves electricity.

The above methods of using the battery correctly can greatly prolong the service life of the electric sightseeing car battery and maintain the good performance. The electric sightseeing car has a full appearance, a high-end and luxurious style, large and comfortable space, and easy maintenance. Welcome to consult!
